Presentation: "Doing It Wrong"

Track: MANAGEMENT IN AGILE SETTINGS / Time: Wednesday 10:15 - 11:15 / Location: Rytmisk Sal, Musikhuset

The community of developers whose work you see on the Web, who probably don’t know what ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better systems at less cost in less time at lower risk than we see in the Enterprise.  This is true even when you factor in the greater flexibility and velocity of startups.  What should we do about this?
Keywords: Architecture, specification, software engineering, process
Target Audience: People who are interested in lowering the risk and improving the quality of Enterprise software systems

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Tim Bray, Father of XML - Uncle of Search Engines

Tim Bray

Biography: Tim Bray

Tim Bray co-edited the XML and XML namespace specifications. For a decade he was a distinguished Engineer and Director of Web Technologies at Sun Microsystems, but now he works as "Developer Advocate" for Google, where he focuses on Android. 

Widely known for his standards work on XML and the Atom syndicationformat, at an age when many former developers have moved entirely intomanagement, he seems to have found a niche that takes advantage of his experience.

In 2001, Tim Bray wrote an article called Taxi to the Future for which proposed a means to improve web client user experience and web server system performance via a Transform-Aggregate-send XML-Interact architecture -- this proposed system is very similar to recently popularized Ajax paradigm.

In 2009 Tim Bray received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Guelph.

Portrait of Tim Bray